Friday, January 21, 2011

Good morning!

Well, last night I took the dogs out for a 30 minute walk that turned into 15 minutes since it started to rain on us.  When I got home, I fed them and turned on the Wii.  I did 30 minutes of exercises and broke out in a good sweat. After I was done, my son-in-law called to see if it was ok to come over.  He had my crazy grandson with him and he wanted to see his grandma.  Well, of course I could not say no! 

He is really starting to put sentences together (seems like overnight).  His personality is really starting to shine through all that "baby-ness."  He nows goes potty in the big boy potty, but hasn't quite got the knack of letting you know when he needs to go.  I got to play with him for a bit, racing through the house, reading a book to him and playing catch with this big blue ball of his. I was able to sneak in more exercise without realizing it!

I really enjoy my time with him and he is the reason that I am wanting to get this weight off.  I need to be able to keep up with him. Well, I had better finish getting ready for work.  Talk with you all later!

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