Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hello again

Well, I survived my first week without Cosmo.  I know it is silly, but I still miss that old boy.  At least missing him around the house got me outside more.  I trimmed up one tree and have another to work on.  Tooey has been walked every night this past week except Friday when we had a really good rain, the first in a long time.  Tooey is still  moping at time, but he is getting better as well.  When we go for our walk, it is like he makes room for Cosmo, cause he doesn't walk next to the curb, but still leaves the space where Cosmo used to walk.  Well, I had better get back to doing something other than looking at the computer.    Enjoy!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Sad Farewell

My old boy...  What can I say...  He was 14 1/2 years old.  His hips were going and he would get stuck on the floor in a spread eagle position, unable to get up.  I had him from the time he was 8 weeks old and I will miss him terribly...

He was a joy and a pain to have. As with all dogs, he gave unconditional love to his "family" and was very protective. He did not like men, and to his last day, did not like my next door neighbors.  Any time they were outside, he would charge them and bark.  Luckily, there was a fence between them.   His coat stayed thick and fluffy which meant that there was always hair everywhere, especially in the spring and fall. I will probably be finding "puppies" all over the house for the next few months.  That was the "pain" side of life with him. 

His buddy, Tooey, my greyhound, is moping around the house.  I guess he is wondering where he is as well.  I'm sure it will hit hard tomorrow when I get up and not have two cold, wet noses and two sets of stinky breath in my face.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's been a month!

As you can see, I met someone while in Australia!   My sister calls the koala my hairy boyfriend!  He was funny.  I was talking to him and when I stopped, his little mouth started moving. Then he would stop and I would say something.  Then his little mouth moved again.  The folks from the group were laughing and told me later that when I stopped talking, it looked as though he started talking, as if we were having a conversation!  What a hoot!!  He just looked sleepy with everyone else, but even in this picture his mouth is open and so are his eyes!

Well, it's been a month since I've come home from Australia.  I still can't seem to find the cookbook I saw over there (that I should have bought) called The Cookbook, Junior Masterchef Australia Vol 1.  It had a lot of the recipes of the foods that we ate either at the hotels or out on the town.  They were absolutely delicious!  One of the ladies on the trip bought the book at the airport in Cairns and I had a chance to buy it in Sydney, but passed up the opportunity.  Silly, silly me....

I am also still getting pictures developed.  I took sooo many!  One of the guys in the group took close to 2000 pictures and put them on a website where we can order prints from.  They are beautiful pictures.  The only thing is though, some of them look "touched up."  I have the same pictures, but mine didn't turn out the same and I don't remember seeing those colors in the view.  I'm not knocking them because they are quite beautiful!