Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wakeup call!

OK. I knew I didn't do all that great last week, food wise.  I didn't track and I ate what I wanted.  It definitely showed up on the scales!  I went up to 215.5 here.  Then I went to a new doctor for a new patient visit.  The scales there said I weighed 218.8!  UGGGGG!  Then the rest of the torture was visited upon me, my blood pressure was taken.  182/96!  About 20 minutes later the doctor came in and went over the vitals, saw the blood pressure and took it again.  160/94, down, but not by much.  We discussed my medications and surgery lists.  She has ordered blood work, which was a given.  I have an appt for Thursday this week to have that done. 

I asked her what I could do to lose this weight.  I am not having any luck on my own.   She said she wants to see the results of the blood work first and then we can come up with a game plan.  My follow up appt with her is 2/9.  We shall see what happens then.  In the meantime, I will be tracking ALL the foods I eat so that I will have a better record to give her so she can see what all I need to change and just how bad of shape I am in...

Friday, January 20, 2012

A Few Days Late...

Well, I am a few days late.  When I weighed in on Monday, I was down to 212.  That was fantastic!  However, this week, I seem to have stopped watching what I eat again.  I am sure that come Monday, the scale will reflect the gain.  I do have an appointment Monday with a new doctor.  I want to find out some things, such as why is my blood pressure still high and what can I do about the dizziness...  Even after 3 months I am still dealing with it. 

There is a new program coming out at work on 2/3/12.  We are going to have our own version of the Biggest Loser.  It has a $20 entry fee and if I gain, I have to pay $1 per pound gained.  I am going to join the group.  Also, at the end of the 12 week period whoever loses the highest percentage of weight will win 60% of the pot, second place wins 30% and third place wins 10%.   Heck, even 10% might give me back my money. 

It starts just in time for my mini vacation.  I will be going to the Bahamas for a few days with a friend of mine.  Hopefully, I will watch what I am eating. I know that I will be active.  She is wanting to go snorkeling and scuba diving.  We shall see what I end up doing.

Well, I'll get back with you on Monday!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Weigh in

Well, I got on the scales this morning after my shower and I weigh 214.  Down a couple of pounds!  Woo Hoo!  I just need to "listen" to my stomach a little more.  Just because it is dinner time does not mean that I have to eat if I am not hungry.  Tonight's dinner was a pear since that was all I really wanted.  If I get hungry later, I'll have a bowl of oatmeal.

Well, that is it for now...  Enjoy your week!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

OK then...

Here it is, day 7. I have been writing down what I am eating.  A bunch of junk last night and today.  I have been walking at work and at home. Put my jeans on today and had to lay on the bed to button and zip them up. NOT GOOD! I guess Weight Watchers will have another participant next week once I find a location to go to that is convenient to me between work and home.  I really don't want to come home and then go back out. I may do the Saturday morning session to get the full benefit, but I have to start on Thursdays for now until I get through my starter sessions.  I just have to make sure I have the money each month to pay for it.

When I go to the doctor on the 23rd, I am going to see if  I can be referred to a nutritionist or a dietitian to help with my diet and to give me some ideas of substitute foods for what I crave. That could help with the weight loss.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3

First day back to work in the New Year!  It was a long day and a hard day.  I did 2 - 15 minutes walks today, 1 at work and 1 at home.  Too cold to walk any longer at home (supposed to be 22 tonight).  Work was a challenge when it came to eating.  I am a boredom eater.  Granted, I was busy, but with it being repetitious, I get the munchies and start wanting to eat. then it becomes an obsession.  Oh well, I'll have to work through it.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2

Ok, I have made it through day 2!  I went to jazzercise with my sister, Carla, this morning and got my hiney kicked!  I couldn't make it through the whole class.  I felt really down about myself because of it.  Time to pick myself up and brush off the blues.  I just have to realize that I did accomplish something by going to the class and participating in 3/4 of it. That is a plus!

I met a friend from school, high school that is, for lunch, and went shopping for a bit. Had a small lunch and then walked it all off.

Fixed a nice dinner this evening of grilled chicken, peas and corn.  I know, I know... too much starchy vegetables, but they were just delicious!

All in all, today was a good day.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

Hey everyone!  It's me again! Happy 2012 to you!  Yep, as you can tell, I am trying this again.  It's time to get serious.  My blood pressure is high, my weight is up and I need to settle the chaos in my life.  So, here I am starting all over again, but at least I AM starting over! So here is what I have put into my CM Memory Manager to get started...

Ok, here we go!  January 1, 2012 is my start date.  I tried this last year, but did not get anywhere with it due to my own laziness.  I have cleaned out my house and my collection of “junk.”  Now it is time to clean out my mind and body and toss it’s collection of “junk”! 
Maybe if I take the really horrible pictures, print them out, and look at them from time to time, they will inspire me to lose the weight!  It has to come off, it is killing me!
What have I allowed myself to become? This is just awful! I have the tools. I have the knowledge. Now I just need to put all of that into action!  Let’s begin this journey!  My weight today is 216.5. This is the heaviest I have been in a long time. My desired weight is 160. When I make it to that weight, I will set another to get to 150.  For now, 160 is my goal weight.  Let the fun begin!!!